Mediation of disputes in New York is a long-standing, widely used and proven method of successful dispute resolution. New York offers a wide variety of professionals who specialize and are expert in maritime and commercial law and who provide cost-effective legal services with a view to rapidly resolving disputes using mediation.
Hub for Mediation
New York City is an international center for mediation of commercial disputes.
Federal and State Court Mediation
The New York federal courts offer mediation as does the commercial section of the Supreme Court of the State of New York (the court of general jurisdiction).
Assistance in Resolving Disputes
With years of experience working with the law governing all manner of contractual (e.g., bill of lading) and non-contractual maritime disputes, maritime attorneys in New York are well-equipped to fully understand the issues and to assist in resolving them.
Abundant Expertise
Expertise covering the entire spectrum of maritime commercial activity is available in New York to assist parties in mediation, from metallurgists to insurance valuators to experts in hydrodynamics.
Federal Courts Approve of Mediators of the Parties’ Choice
When parties express the desire to mediate before a maritime attorney or other mediator of their choice rather than before a court-appointed mediator, New York federal courts embrace such party-driven mediation because the mediation process enjoys remarkable success in resolving disputes.
Reducing Time and Expense
Federal and state court judges in New York recognize that mediators enable parties to avoid trial with its attendant time and expense.
New York for Bill of Lading Dispute Resolution
Various ocean bills of lading contain forum clauses placing jurisdiction for dispute resolution exclusively in the Southern District of New York. Even if a bill of lading designates a foreign court, the parties often choose to litigate, mediate or arbitrate in New York.