maritime finance
Serving a worldwide clientele, New York lawyers have extensive experience in advising and assisting the shipping industry in raising capital and structuring deals to best achieve their clients’ financial needs and purposes.
A Sophisticated, Diverse Investment Community
The New York offices of major international banks, underwriters and financial managers have been leading suppliers of innovative as well as traditional financing to the shipping industry (see Capital Markets).
Ship Finance Expertise
New York lawyers are able to effectively handle all shipping ventures, such as the sale and purchase of secondhand ships and new buildings, port and terminal facility projects and ship and mortgage registrations under all major flags.
Supported and Served by Diverse Experts
The commercial shipping community in New York is supported and served by experienced and knowledgeable infrastructure services such as insurance, class, consultancy and brokerage services and expertise for the full range of shipping and finance transactions.
New York Based Ship Registries
New York is the headquarters for the Liberian, Marshall Islands and Vanuatu ship registries. The Bahamas has an active ship registry office here, and the Cyprus and Panamanian consulates have experienced ship registry personnel on staff.
New York as a Governmental Center
With the United Nations in New York, major governments have significant consular offices and missions in New York with active commercial desks.
Convenient for Multi-Flag Transactions
Because of the presence of a variety of registry offices and its convenient time zone location, New York is an excellent choice for multi-flag transactions requiring close coordination and simultaneous closings.
Security Interests
The filing of security interests is sophisticated and easy to access electronically both for filing and searches.